Sunday, July 22, 2012

Kitsune no Akuma to Kuroi Madousho Chapter 3

And here's Kitsune chapter 3, and the start of our flood of releases! I'm not quite sure how this one managed to be the first completed in our long list of stuff in the works, but somehow it managed to find its way up there. This is the first release of Kitsune under our new permanent translator, Eru13. I'm borrowing him from another group I'm a member of, CXC Scans. I work on his translations for Hanamaru Kindergarten, so as I've said previously, I know he's both a good translator and quick. Chapters 4-6 are already in progress, and volume 2 is in the process of being scanned and uploaded so he can start the translations for that one as well.

Enjoy the chapter!

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Soukai no Eve chapter 9 up next! Amagoi 11 might also make it in tonight, but if not it'll end up released tomorrow. Sora no Manimani 23 will also find its way into the lineup in the next day or two. Perowan 7 has been translated, and the cleans are in progress.

schthaxe has once again ordered several tankobons for us. Choi Hime volume 1 (all 21 chapters), Tonari no Kashiwagi-san volumes 1 and 2, and Sora no Manimani volume 9. As such, Choi Hime and Kashiwagi v2s of vol1/2 are on hold until they are received, scanned, and uploaded.