Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Quick series inheritance update

In the wake of my last "we're basically dying and there's nothing I can really do about it alone" post, I'm satisfied (I suppose) to announce that GodricKharg of Let It Go Scans has gone ahead and agreed to work with me on some of the better series we've translated.

Here's a quick rundown.

Yumekuri--there are still Comic Alive scanners out there and I'm still desperate to TL it so that's a pretty easy series to pick up.
Tonari no Kashiwagi-san--Vhirx actually seems to have been scanning it himself because apparently he loves the series more than I love Yumekuri. So there's that. He's already TL'd it too. He'll throw the chapters out there himself.
Nozomi x Kimio--main issue is finding decent raws since Derek had almost all of the ones I needed for translating it, but once we get them I'll handle the TLs with pleasure.
Sexual Hunter Riot--I have usable raws from chapter 19 to the end. If we can grab raws for 17 and 18 that we can use, this will be easy to finish off.
Ikebukuro Hatsu, Zensekai Yuki!--No idea if we'll be able to procure usable raws for this. Vhirx isn't interested in ecchi series anymore IIRC, and while I'm not too keen on translating it I know there's not a whole lot left of it to translate. Might do it eventually. Maybe. Don't count on it.

On a side note, some random guy threw the last 2 chapters of Niku Kyu out there and despite his using Google Translate, the translation still came out more or less okay. Probably a testament to the quality of the series itself more than to the advancement of robot translation services.


  1. There are Nozomi x Kimio Volume raws available. All 8 in good quality. Maybe you can use a search engine with the words raw and zip.

  2. I got hooked on Yumekuri a little over a year ago. I am working on on a series called Yuri Kome. You can find it on Dynasty reader. Check it out. I have a translator helper. I know a little Japanese and I run everything through her and I need help with complicated bits of redrawing. I have help there, too.

  3. Ooops! Forgot my last sentence!! I'm I good enough to help you out?

    1. We have all the hands we need on Yumekuri, but thanks for offering. I translate that one myself; I'm a bit like Derek in that regard (in that I often refuse to delegate that job out because I'm obsessive about that role).

  4. Did you find Raws for Yumekuri? I have digital ones that you can use.

  5. Hey Demo. I am alyschu, admin of Moon Bunny Cafe, and I'm interested in being a permanent raw provider (and maybe more?) for you/your dying group. I'm actually really keen on having a series in which I have the last three volumes of, be finished (last scanlation group's release was probably like 2 years+ ago).

    If you're curious about the details, check out our faq at: You can also contact me via the contact form if you're interested or have questions. Do note that you don't have to agree to pick up the series I wish to see completed! This is just me attempting to help it see completion.

  6. There are completed raw nozomi x kimio manga in senmanga. Here is the link : Please translate it.

    1. And perhaps i can help with TypeSetting. But i am inexperienced.

    2. Experience isnt always necessary. It comes down to willingness to learn and someone able to teach/instruct in your best learning method.

      BTW, I've found 'typesetting' to be one of those hurry up and wait positions. Your just about dead center of what everyoen else is doing. Waiting for translation, waiting for proofreading, waiting for the cleaner (Unless you lean to do it yourself to help out) waiting for redraws, waiting for qc...

      Then suddenly its all back to you to fix small mistakes. Always enjoyable getting a chapter OUT however.

  7. Where are these mysterious missing Niku Kyu chapters? I haven't been able to find them at all.

  8. Hametsu no Megami Scans has picked up Kin Gin Kanojo
